So at the beginning - here are some pictures of a sidewinder maneuvering between lasers which want to cut it to pieces! Notice the smoke - poor thing, it got hit by a nasty Viper!
So here we begin... that bad boy (or girl? - hard to tell) wants to smite
I wonder how one ship can simultaneously fire two shots from one laser... not good for me, darn!![]()
Just finish off the double-lasered Viper and relax...![]()
Now, here we have a QUIZ!!! But just for your satisfaction since I am not able to do something like on-line answering or such. So here goes the question: What for a mighty ship is emerging from the clouds of smoke with apparently no damage? Here you can see the answer.
Okay, so that was something for you, now I continue with more passive (to you) things. Real close encounters pics here! My Thargoid Warship was used for these - to give you as detailed look at the opposing ships as possible. So here goes the first one: a Lanner Mk2 thinks he will have a roasted Thargoid for lunch (heh, notice the time)
a 20 MW beam laser is pretty powerful - some smoke is already visible.
I still wonder about that double-effect of the laser. As if there were
two lasers firing directly in the same spot!
we can see that the laser is in fact only one. But the impact (or whatever
a laser makes) is quite nice.
is a zoom-out view of the situation. The Lanner is seen in the bottom right
corner, and Thargoid is covered in a blue energy ball made by the shield
you may have noticed, the source of this shot is not the Lanner. Seems
like an Imperial Courier - shown as a white spot on the scanner.
good. Here is a brave Merlin. As brave as its human predecessor - to fight
a Thargoid with a Merlin requires the pilot to be fearless... or a BIG
trusty old Adder is making an evasive maneuvre... The pilot is not very
wise leaving his six turned to me and defenseless...
it is seen from side. Ouch! That flame coming from Adder's engines quite
increased the surface temperature of my vessel.
here is the legendary Hawk Airfighter!! Enjoy!
Feels like it is flying in an atmosphere, great!
And this photo is the ONE I PROMISED
to put up here at The Elite Bar.. So here you go folks, hope you enjoy
looking at it as much as I enjoyed taking it! Notice the aiming reticule
on pilot's HUD... not very useful, I think; must be very precise for aiming
- but I forgot, it does not matter as long as this ship has not got ANY
Here is the situation: Hawk trying to avoid collision. And I can tell you
- he did! Must have been a good pilot.
I hope this is enough for now. Tomorrow, I will add some more pictures - but this page seems to be getting too big and therefore slow to download, I may create a new page. Each of these small pictures should be about 20 to 30 kb in size, so more than 300 kb at a time would be not good. Oh, no! I think I have exceeded my own limit!