The Wiggly Quest     The First Inter-Species Human-Thargoid Colony    The Wiggly Quest


In this section, we present you the basic data for Sharnsworld measured by the Exploration fleet and processed by ARC at Widow Citadel.

Commander! Want to get the best brown in Galaxy? Try BeBeCe [-8,-11]
Ale in all facilities available during the trip is sponsored by Brown, the Premium BeBeCe Ale. Approved by Squirrel Nutkin, first-class.

Information updated:


Btw: sorry for the "real" dates, but I think it is easier to read the actual date than having to calculate it. Just change the "2002" bit for, let's say... 3298?

Photographs and maps:

Sharnsworld photographed from long distance

    Sharnsworld, probably the most interesting planet in the whole system. The photograph above confirmed the suspected structure as seen through the Thargoid telescope from Polaris, this one photographed from the Tiercel. On the image below, we can see much more detail, this map was made from a long distance, by mapping system carried by the Wyverns. Actually composed of seven parts.

Long-distance map of Sharnsworld, done by the Wyverns

    On the other side of the planet is the largest ocean. The Wyverns flew in closer, and made this beautiful panoramatic high-resolution map. You can see the distant coastline on the left side of the image. This map is composed of more than 15 parts. A similar high-resolution map of the bay on the image above is being processed. Photographs from the surface and various other data is still being processed, too.

High-resolution panoramatic view

    On the image below, you see the encounter of the Tiercel during the second mission with the MB4 mining machine left behind during the first mission. We still do not know what caused the damage of the machine. Click on the image to see it enlarged.

Click to enlarge!

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