Sculpture from umbilical cords

Maternity doctor, who used his abilities for creating an artwork

Alan Heidfeld, a doctor from Denver, who created a new style of modern art. This work evoked also negative feedback from the church. Neverthless, we went to the National Gallery to look at the work of a real master. His art just sells itself! Famous and important personalities are racing to make the merited doctor the best offer before his retirement. Alan Heidfeld is a very nice person, who will be very happy to tell you about his experience from the state final exams which he made 40 years ago. This artwork is the best moment of his career. But we must admit: no matter how good job you have, you just cannot compare with this. We seek some expression of ourselves in the artworks of the others, because we alone are not able to make our own proclamation. Yes, also because of this reason people want to buy the sculpture "Umbilical Head". Is the world really that sick that it needs such horrifying structures like this one? According to the opinions of critics it's like having your brain disentangled, mixed with your intestine and poured with slime. It took the breath from all critics (including our breath), because even the most criminal surgeon in his wildest dream could not imagine something like this up to now. We asked one visitor of the exposition, what his opinion about this sculpture was. Jake Morgendorffer: "It's marvellous, I'll probably buy it for my wife's birthday. We will place it above the kitchen counter to get the right inspiration for cooking. I'm sure that my wife will create the best delicacies with such an amount of inspiration. What do you say, Daria?" "We should better place it in my sister's room to give her the picture of her cosmetic merriment.". And now we proudly bring you the a small interview with the big star of the obstetrical heaven: Alan Heidfeld.
Sick Sad World: "Where do you get the inspiration for creating your masterpieces from?"
A.H.: "You know, when you have been working in a God-forsaken hospital, one gets almost any idea to get out from the endless circle."
SSW: "So now, when there's so much interest in your work, will you continue with your art activities?"
AH: "Yes, I'm preparing to create various compositions. At the moment, I am working on a very complicated composition of several sculptures called "A Party At The Maternity Ward" But it is difficult in our state because the natality in our state is low and I don't have enough cords!"
SSW: "If we had known that, we would have organised a voluntary subscription of umbilical cords throughout the whole States. Thank you for the interview. We wish you good luck in obtaining of umbilical cords. What about a beneficial concert of maternity doctors?"
AH: "Really a brilliant idea. And by the way, would you like to be our major sponsor?"
So, Alan Heidfeld is an artist, whose name will be surely mentioned in the future.

Why did the dinosaurs die out? Next time in the Sick Sad World: Apocalypse as a consequence of keeping domestic animals.