Allright, here I go, sinking into the atmosphere of Alpha Centauri B.
This photo was taken even deeper in the chronosphere of Alpha Centauri
B. But I decided not to go deeper and this was taken on leaving the star.
But this is something DIFFERENT! Really landed on the surface of a red
star, Ethtiqu. It was an exciting experience, and the landing was very
smooth indeed.
This is a photo of Siriol, nicely sitting (or floating?) on the thick photosphere
of Ethtiqu.
Finally leaving the star, it was my first landing of a star! But I knew
I would be landing on a star many more times!
Now, this was more challenging! Landing on a K-type star is definitely
riskier than M-type star landings. But you see that it was really worth
the effort. If you haven't read the story of making these photos, go to
pages now and check it out yourself!
This is the odd effect when looking at your ship nearby a star. Actualy
landed, but similar effects appear when you fly through planets... Hmm,
now that gives me an idea what exciting to do next!
You see, here we are looking towards the core of the star, but nothing
is visible, the star is completely invisible and we see the background
behind it. Really interesting. Maybe it's something like the black holes
that you see everything at one moment, regardless of being behind or before
One more nice photo of Siriol bathing in the sunrays of Beinin.
Now, prior to take-off, this looks quite cool. But it was very, very hot,
believe me!
Now, what does this mean? What is it doing here?! That may be your reactions.
Well, look closely at the picture (or click on it to enlarge) and you'll
see the FUN!! See it? The autopilot had failed, but it continued to work,
because it was engaged! And it really is so, all my pictures are authentic,
really they are!