I am working hard to get this page to a condition you can make some use of it, so check this one often. Heh, I have realised that this subtitle needs updating... the work began quite long ago, so that was inappropriate. Anyway, welcome here and have a look around - check the New features (if there are any).
You spacers are great! Thanks for the 1000 hits, I'm going to come up with some more interesting content in the next 2 months (school is slowing things down...) I have put the downloads back up, so you can download the compiled binaries for Linux if you haven't already! Have fun!
Older updates:
(8 December 2004)- Sorry, nothing new but I am hereby informing you that I am
going to do something about it. Too much work etc. kept me from even remembering that I should
check and update my site every so often. There shall be something new in a couple of weeks
Full name: (Cmdr.) Sharn-Lugonn Shad'ey D.O.B.: 11 August 3183 Place: Planet Lave, Lave [-3,-6] First steps: 3200 as a crew member of a Puma Clipper (trading) 3201 c.m. Python Freighter (passenger transport) 3203 astrogator on a Constrictor 3205 Bought a ship - Adder!
Present status Elite rating: ELITE Fed. rank: Sergeant Imp. rank: Lord Gave these up. Now working occasionally for AJN. At home: New Rossyth, Argent's Claim, Alioth [0,4] At work: Now operating in southwestern parts of inhabited space Previous ship: Cobra Mk3 named Llewelyn (with flashy teeth)
Current ship: Harris Fighter named Siriol
Ship history: Here you can find all the ships I have been flying since I started making this site. Fed. criminal record:Unlawful discharge of weapon Imp. criminal record:Unlawful discharge of weapon Interpol criminal record:Unlawful discharge of weapon Alliance criminal record: Thargoid criminal record: INRA: upset (these guys never seemed very nice to me anyway) (You see - not quite a rebel... at the first sight...)
So that were the stats for me as a commander.
If you are interested in me as a planetbound resident, then you may follow
this link:
Who am I when I'm not outside in space... Updated!
Space truckin' - visiting stars!
Links to other Frontier universe-related sites - self explanatory
Want to see a
KraitCobra? Or maybe a bunch of Lanners stuck together? Check this out!
Look at planetside training of young commanders!
Contact info: And finally, here is how you can contact me. My e-mail: weekdays - [email protected] and weekends [email protected] . So that's it. I hope that I will be able to expand this site enough to give you something interesting - now it contains almost nothing - but this is basically to introduce myself, so I hope it will reach this aim.
times. |