The Links Page
Under construction!
I promise to put some links in here - but since you
have found this tiny site you may already know all of them. But anyway
- here they are (what I have put up here by now).
the home of the Alliance. A really good-looking and very interesting site,
well worth visiting! Very good fiction there. Also the seat of Turner Space
Combat Academy, if you need some flight training!
R3 Corporation Datalink - Located at Eta Cassiopeia, decent information
about everything in Federal space, also the home of Trojan Observer, an
excellent place to get the latest information of what's going on in the
Yes, a way cool site with excellent info on ships and equipment, art
pages, banners, paper models and of course, lots of good information on
how to play the game.

Located in Diso system, Jannah Berihn is the chief CEO
of the station. I think it's the best-looking FEU site on the net. Well
worth a visit - and remember... don't try to do anything stupid there.

Imperial Navy Headquarters, maintained by Cmdr. Steves,
who has taken part on the Exploration mission... even if you are not Empire-minded,
at least have a look at the Imperial Herald webpage, which is needed to
keep the balance in the news, balancing the Trojan Observer...
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